Arrow 2/2 for Triumph Bonneville & Thruxton
The Arrow 2:2 exhausts by Arrow Italy is a magnificent piece of stainless steel art. It offers up to 44% weight savings in comparison to the OEM exhausts with a cost of whooping 65K plus. It certainly falls under the category of expensive things you can put on your bike.
The system requires a specific engine tune download so its not something that is a DIY for a lot of folks. The installation is a little tricky and we have heard some problems with certain dealerships not being able to install them on models with the engine dressers. What we disliked is the slight bend that comes because of the side stand but else that we simply love the exhausts ( excluding the costing factor ).
Quality: The quality is excellent and the discolouration is copperish which we love to the core. I mean for gods sake. Its SS.
Sound: Subjective and we will lay rest to the review for that. Here is a good article. Must read. That being said here is what we did for the sound… The story of it.
Ok so we did this about a year ago but didn’t get a chance to write down about this.
So first of all we would like to strongly emphasize how much we love the Stainless steel on our Arrows. There is so much of a difference between stainless steel and chrome that too matt finished ss vs glossy chrome. I am sure a lot of chrome lovers would second the difference between the looks. Well, the beauty about modifications are that you do it for yourself. May it be reason for practicality, looks or performance; the uniqueness is always appreciated.
Looks : Very subjective but it does give a more retro and darker feel to the bike. If you see any of modern modifications on a bonnieville you would not see much of chrome recently. May be its recent preference or may be its because of the parts that are available.
Design wise, the exhausts slowly increase in height as they increase in the diameter as well. Something that makes the bike look as if its moving faster. The baffles are cup shaped and easily removable with a nose plier, a plier and a piece of cloth.
When it comes to performance the most important thing we usually talk about is the increase in bhp which is something that most riders go for and of course the sound. It also has better clearance at the back near the tyres because of the increase in height; being off roaders we love that.
Customizing it.
Simple and easy. Just needs the right equipment and steady hands. We cut holes in the Silencer one by one. Basically drilled through the baffle pipe. We started off with three holes and then added each hole to the time till we got the sound that we needed. In our case we cut the pipes head off by a coin sized slice after the third set of hole. Then we increased the holes to six number till we loved the sound specific to our needs. Here are the photos explaining what we did.
Removing the baffles using nose pliers
Ensure that the lock is safely kept aside
Removing the baffles with a cloth piece between the pliers. With a soft wrist movement (left and right) and a force to pull it outside.
The holes in s straight line. Passing through to the other side.
The end being chopped off.
We love the sound of the bike as of now. Not too loud as with the baffles removed and not so low with them on. Our customized sound which we adore.
Thanks to Mr. Shezad Doongaji who helped us with the Mods. Couldn’t have done it without him.
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